6th of January 2022

This is a brief step-by-step insight into the process of creating Taran (a dog from my village meaning thunder) which led to the first time I exhibited in London.

1. Transfer Image To Wood

After drawing the image onto tracing paper, I then flip the trace and rub onto the wood block.
The picture below shows the pencil after rubbing off.(Sorry for the poor quality image!😬)

2. Carving Of The Wood
Sitting the piece of lemon wood on the sandbag, I used the tools which two of Grandads passed on to me to carve what I saw was white, then a little of what I saw was grey. This was to bring out the tri-coloured dog.
For reference, I had the original picture on my laptop in front of me.

3. Printing Onto Paper
I use Cranfield's CALIGO SAFE WASH RELIEF INKS for my wood engravings. When pressing the paper onto the wood engraving I used a blue glass burnisher, quite firmly, and then my palm for extra pressure if needed. This transferred the ink from the wood to the paper.
I got to recognise tiny differences between different presses, and so I printed many copies until I was satisfied with at least 5. I left them to dry on a washing line for a few days.

4. Result
This was my best wood engraving so far so I decided to enter it into a Mini Print Exhibition in Southbank Printmakers, Gabriel's Wharf.
When it was accepted I travelled to London to the private view and enjoyed the experience of my first (although mini) exhibition.
Thank you for reading and I hope you learnt a little about the process of relief printing!